Welcome to ‘Lilliput Learners Pre-Primary ’ School


Your child is growing up fast and ready for a little more independence, our pre school club will be a perfect introduction.


Our approach to learning and teaching is through child centered play and education. We have a fully equipped nursery.

After School

With a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, imaginative play and physical activities, our staff will engage with your children.

Why Lilliput Learners Pre-Primary

Our teachers focus on all areas of learning. They pay attention to what children are interested in, and they plan themes or projects that help children expand their knowledge and skills in different areas. Children get a deeper understanding of a subject when they can make connections across several content areas.

Meet Our Principal

Miss Taskeen Ismail is the Principal at Lilliput Learners Pre-Primary School.

Classroom Facilities

At Lilliput Learners kids make the most of a magical environment designed just for them. The school is an endless playground, with a jungle like theme and trees literally grow right through classrooms.

Each preschool class has a dedicated classroom.  Every classroom is filled with age-appropriate learning materials for the children to explore.  Theme-based centers as well as dramatic play areas, reading books, sensory tables and manipulatives are thoughtfully designed for developing the pre-academic (preschool) and academic skills of our children.

Geared for Education

Guided by Nelson Mandela’s vision, we realise that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” To that end Lilliput Learners seeks to foster a structured but loving environment to enable each child to find identity, meaning and purpose through development of a social emotional and intellectual perspective..

Indoor Play Areas

When the temperatures soar or  rain rain wont go away, our children have extensive indoor play spaces to climb, run, jump and crawl through.Weekly physical education classes as well as ballet and other extracurricular activities are also easily held indoors.

Safe and Secure

Our school is safely located inside the gates of the University of Kwazulu Natal, Howard college.  In addition we have a security system allows us to monitor the building and oversee entry and exit to/from our school.
Our staff maintains current certifications in both CPR and First Aid and are allergy aware.
Drop off is by the parking lot where children are safely escorted into the school. Lastly children are signed out daily by an authorized parent/caregiver.

Early Years Library

Language acquisition is a key focus to improve outcomes in communication and language and literacy in the primary years. We encourage a love of literature at Lilliput through storytelling, auditory, visual decoding games and drama techniques.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” –
Nelson R Mandela

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Your child’s development and education are our main priority